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Cluster of Excellence EXC 2052 - "Africa Multiple: reconfiguring African Studies"

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Call for Proposals: International Postdoctoral Working GroupsHide

Expanding on the successful format established in previous years, the Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies (BA) offers opportunities for postdoctoral academics based at the University of Bayreuth to convene international and interdisciplinary Working Groups (WG). The WGs convene for one or two semesters and are designed to create space for the joint discussion of research results emerging from ongoing or starting projects. The Working Group program is particularly committed to promoting and connecting younger postdoctoral scholars. The next groups are planned for the summer semester 2020 and the winter semester 2020/21.

As part of the Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence, the Bayreuth Academy solicits proposals referring to the Cluster’s theoretical framework, in particular to its core concepts of multiplicity, relationality and reflexivity in Africa and its diasporas. We welcome comparative perspectives involving Europe or other parts of the world that engage with questions of global entanglements and concomitant theoretical perspectives. Proposals for WGs that create synergies with one or more of the Cluster’s Research Sections are particularly encouraged.

Please find the complete Call for Applications here

Please find the Proposal Template here

Stellenausschreibung - Studentische Hilfskraft (10 Std. / Woche)Hide

Studentische Hilfskraft (10 Std. / Woche)

für das Projekt „Learning beyond the classroom: Coping with illiteracy in urban literate environments in Bolivia and Benin“

Es wird eine studentische Hilfskraft für die Unterstützung des Forschungsprojekts „Learning beyond the classroom: Coping with illiteracy in urban literate environments in Bolivia and Benin“ im Rahmen des „Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence“ gesucht.

Arbeitsbeginn ist ab sofort.

Weitere Informationen hier.

Find the full job posting here.

Call for Applications - Bayreuth Academy Fellowships Academic Year 2020/2021Hide

The Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence at the University of Bayreuth (Germany) invites scholars working in the field of African Studies to apply for fellowships in the Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies (BA).

Funded through the Excellence Strategy of Germany's federal and state governments since 1st January 2019, the aim of the cluster is to reconfigure African Studies at the conceptual and the structural levels. The Cluster is conceived as a transformative space for the systematic study of African and African diasporic ways of life, enabling new forms of inter- and transdisciplinary cooperation. The BA was founded in 2012 as a space for engaged scholarship and debate in the study of Africa and is now part of the Africa Multiple Cluster.

In the academic year 2020-2021, the BA offers up to twenty short- and long-term fellowships. These are designed to enable scholars of African Studies to pursue projects significant to the Cluster’s theoretical and thematic agendas while immersed in a vibrant community of researchers from more than fifteen academic disciplines. Fellows will be in residence for periods ranging from one to six months, during which they will carry out their research in an efficiently managed environment with excellent working conditions.

Find the full call for applications here.

Find the full instructions here.

Find the financial provisions here.

Open Position: Three Data Curators (m/f/d)Hide

The University of Bayreuth is a research-oriented university with internationally competitive, interdisciplinary focus areas in research and teaching. At the beginning of 2019, the „Africa Multiple“ Cluster of Excellence (EXC 2052) will commence operations with funding from the Excellence Strategy of Germany‘s federal and state governments. The aim of the cluster is to reconfigure African studies at both the conceptual and the structural levels. The cluster is conceived as a transformative space for the systematic study of African and African diasporic ways of life, enabling new forms of inter- and transdisciplinary cooperation. For the establishment of new forms of interdisciplinary digital research the following positions need to be filled as soon as possible

Three Data Curators (E 13, TV-L)

The successful applicant will initially be hired for a period of two years. An extension until end December 2025 is possible if the responsibilities are successfully fulfilled. The positions will be under the leadership of the Vice Dean of Digital Solutions in the Cluster of Excellence. The postholders will work closely with the Chair of Databases and Information Systems and will be supported by the IT Service Centre of the University of Bayreuth. The field         of activity comprises various activities in connection with the development of the digital research environment in the Cluster of Excellence. The inter- and transdisciplinary research projects involve researchers from the humanities, cultural studies, and social sciences, along with geoscientists and environmental scientists. Accordingly, data from numerous academic disciplines and different sources will flow into the repositories of the cluster. The cluster has our partner universities in Africa and more privileged partners. The aim is to integrate them into the digital research environment as well.

Please find further information here...

Open Positions: Four Junior Research Group Leaders (m/f/d)Hide

The University of Bayreuth is a research-oriented university with internationally competitive, interdisciplinary focus areas in research and teaching. The Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence at the University of Bayreuth, funded by the Excellence Strategy of the German Federal and State Governments, is planning to establish four Junior Research Groups (JRG) to commence on July 1, 2020. We are currently seeking to appoint

Four Junior Research Group Leaders (m/f/d)

for a funding period of four years (pay grade TV-L 14). We expect the holders of the positions to implement an innovative research programme, designed for the duration of the funding period and integrating up to two doctoral students, whose selection and supervision will be the responsibility of the JRG leaders. The research projects should contribute to the theoretical agenda of the Cluster and connect to or complement the thematic fields addressed in the Cluster. The JRGs will work under the umbrella of the Bayreuth Academy of Advanced African Studies within the Cluster of Excellence, which runs an international fellow programme and specialized programmes for the training of postdoctoral scholars. The doctoral students will pursue their degrees within the Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies (BIGSAS), the graduate school of the Cluster of Excellence.

Please find the English version of the Call for applications here

Den deutschen Ausschreibungstext finden Sie hier

Please note: The required application documents include a Research Proposal, to be written on the basis of the template available for download here.

Proposal Template

25%-Stelle (m/w/d) zur Mitarbeit im Bereich Gender und Diversität (E 13 TV-L)Hide


Die Universität Bayreuth ist eine forschungsorientierte Universität mit international kompetitiven und interdisziplinär ausgerichteten Profilfeldern in Forschung und Lehre. Der Exzellenzcluster Africa Multiple an der Universität Bayreuth, gefördert in der Exzellenzstrategie des Bundes und der Länder, verfolgt die Neugestaltung der Afrikastudien sowohl auf konzeptueller als auch auf struktureller Ebene. Der Cluster bildet einen transformativen Raum zur systematischen Erforschung afrikanischer und afro-diasporischer Lebenswelten, in dem neue Formen der inter- und transdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit etabliert werden.

Zur Stärkung dieser Agenda besteht im Cluster das Büro für Gender und Diversität. Zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt ist zur Unterstützung der Leiterin dieses Büros eine

25%-Stelle (m/w/d) zur Mitarbeit im Bereich Gender und Diversität (E 13 TV-L)

zu besetzen. Der Aufgabenbereich dieser Stelle umfasst:

  • die Vertretung der Leiterin des Büros für Gender und Diversität im Fall von urlaubs- oder krankheitsbedingter Abwesenheit oder sonstiger Verhinderung in der Wahrnehmung folgender Aufgaben: Mitarbeit und Mitbestimmung in den entscheidungsbefugten Gremien des Clusters sowie Förderung und Durchsetzung von Diversität und umfänglicher Gleichstellung bei allen wissenschaftlichen Personalentscheidungen im Exzellenzcluster;
  • die Zuarbeit bei der Unterstützung der Mitglieder des Exzellenzclusters in Fragen der Gleichstellung und Diskriminierungsprävention, und der Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf;
  • die Zuarbeit bei der Koordination von Maßnahmen in den Bereichen Gender Awareness, Mentoring, Coaching, Rassismus und religiöser Diversität;
  • die Unterstützung der Organisation von Fortbildungsmaßnahmen und Workshops für Mitglieder des Exzellenzclusters einschließlich der wissenschaftlichen Partner*innen in Afrika;
  • die Unterstützung der Entwicklung und Durchführung von Maßnahmen zur Berücksichtigung von Fragen der Intersektionalität in den Forschungsprojekten des Exzellenzclusters;
  • die Zusammenarbeit mit dem bestehenden Netzwerk Gender, Queer, Intersectionality and Diversity (GeQuInDi) an der Universität Bayreuth.

Von den Bewerber*innen erwarten wir:

  •  ein abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium sowie eine Promotion in einem geistes-, kultur- oder sozialwissenschaftlichen Fach mit Bezug zu Afrika und/oder afrikanischen Diasporas;
  • ein Profil im Bereich der Intersektionalitätsforschung (Gender, Diversity, Postcolonial Studies), Critical Diversity Literacy, Black and Women of Color Feminisms, Critical Race Theory und Postcolonial Theory;
  • ausgezeichnete Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse;
  • nach Möglichkeit einschlägige Berufs- und/oder Forschungserfahrung sowie weitere Fremdsprachenkenntnisse.

Bei Vorliegen der persönlichen und tariflichen Voraussetzungen erfolgt die Vergütung in der Entgeltgruppe E 13 TV-L. Dienstort ist Bayreuth. Die Einstellung erfolgt zunächst befristet für die Dauer von zwei Jahren. Eine Verlängerung ist bei erfolgreicher Tätigkeit und unter Erfüllung der Voraussetzungen des Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetzes möglich. Schwerbehinderte werden bei gleicher Eignung bevorzugt eingestellt. Die Universität strebt eine Erhöhung des Anteils der Frauen am Personal an und bittet deshalb Frauen nachdrücklich um ihre Bewerbung.

Bitte fügen Sie Ihren Bewerbungsunterlagen eine ca. 1-seitige Stellungnahme in englischer Sprache bei, in der Sie kurz den Mehrwert von Intersektionalitätstheorien und Critical Diversity Literacy-Ansätzen für die Afrikastudien skizzieren. Bitte adressieren Sie Ihre aussagekräftige Bewerbung an die Leiterin des Büros für Gender und Diversität im Exzellenzcluster Africa Multiple, Dr. Christine Vogt-William, und senden Sie diese ausschließlich per E-Mail in Form einer einzigen PDF-Datei (max. 30 MB) bis zum 7. Juli 2020 an:

Rückfragen beantwortet Dr. Christine Vogt-William, Christine.Vogt-William@unibayreuth.de

Call for Applications: 2020-2021 Fellowships / Artist Residency "Africa Multiple"Hide

Call for Applications:          
2020-2021 Fellowships / Artist Residency “Africa Multiple”

The Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence at the University of Bayreuth (Germany) invites artists from African (continental or diasporic) contexts to apply for fellowships in the Bay­reuth Academy of Advanced African Studies.

In the academic year 2020-2021, the Bayreuth Academy offers two fellowships in coopera­tion with Iwalewahaus. These are designed to enable artists from African continental or di­asporic contexts to pursue projects of significance to the Cluster’s intellectual agenda while immersed in a vibrant community of researchers coming from more than fifteen academic disciplines, as well as other artists. Fellows will be in residence for a period ranging from one to six months, during which they will carry out their research in an efficiently managed en­vironment with excellent working conditions.

Should you be interested in applying, please read the information about the Cluster’s theoretical and thematic agendas available at www.africamultiple.uni-bayreuth.de. All proposals should demonstrate the candidate’s commitment to the Cluster’s agenda of reconfiguring African Studies and its core concepts of multiplicity, relationality and reflexivity, convincingly reflecting relevant aspects of gender and diversity, while detailing their intended contributions to one (or possibly more) of the Cluster’s Research Sections. Please also state how aspects of diversity will be interrogated in your artistic project.

The application process is facilitated through an online form that also allows you to upload the required documents:

The closing date is June 30, 2020, 23:59 CEST.

Please contact Robert Debusmann, the coordinator of the Bayreuth Academy, for further information and questions: bayreuth.academy@uni-bayreuth.de

For further details please refer to the Call text as well as the Instructions and Financial Provisions.

Unfortunately, there are no job offers at the moment.

Webmaster: Dr. Doris Löhr

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