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Cluster of Excellence EXC 2052 - "Africa Multiple: reconfiguring African Studies"

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Publications by Bayreuth Academy Fellows

Fellows 2023/2024

Dr. Suleiman ChembeaHide

Fellows 2022/2023

Dr. Anthony DialaHide
  • Diala, AC, & Hussein, N. (2023). The Tsetse Fly Perched on the Scrotum: Publishing Problems in Academic Journals. Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal (PELJ), 26(1), 1-28. https://dx.doi.org/10.17159/1727-3781/2023/v26i0a15778
  • (2024) A.C. Diala and C. Rautenbach ‘Introduction: The complex interplay of legal systems’ in Reimagining legal pluralism in Africa [forthcoming, Brill Academic Publishers].
  • (2024) A.C. Diala ‘Foreword: Law and sustainable development after Covid-19’ in (A.E. Arimoro, E.M. Igbokwe and T.T. Egbe) Law and Sustainable Development after Covid-19 (Routledge) pp. i-iv.
  • (2024) ‘Comparative indigenous law’ in M. Siems and P.J. Yap (Editors) Cambridge Handbook of Comparative Law [Cambridge University Press; ISBN: 9781108843089] 693-712.
Dr. Bakheit NurHide
  • Nur, Bakheit Mohammed (2023). Sudan's Unending Predicament: Background to the Outbreak of a New War. Research Africa Reviews, 7 (1): 1-7.
  • Nur, Bakheit Mohammed (2023). Religion, Politics, and Society : The Role of Political Islam in the Sudanese Revolution of December 2018 and its Aftermath. Modern Africa 11(1): 11-44.
  • Bakheit Mohammed Nur (2022). Politics of epistemology in postcolonial Africa: The Islamisation of knowledge in the Sudan, Politics, Religion & Ideology, 23:4, 475-496
Dr. Faisal Garba MuhammedHide
  • Awumbila, Mariama & Garba Muhammed, Faisal & Darkwah, Akosua & Zaami, Mariama. (2023). Migrant Political Mobilisation and Solidarity Building in the Global South.
Dr. Judith BachmannHide
  • Materialization through Global Comparisons: the Findings at Ile-Ife from the Late 19th Century to the 1960s. In: Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society (2023), S. 1-25.
Dr. Lamine DoumbiaHide
  • Doumbia, L., Sowa, K. Vehrs, H.-P. & Q. Vo (2023): Content Warning? Kritische und sensible Wissensvermittlung in der ethnologischen Lehre. 
  • Otundo, B.K., Doumbia, L. (2023): Exploring the significance of toponyms in the university linguistics curriculum: insights from Kibera in Kenya and Sabalibougou in Mali. Curric Perspect.
Dr. Noemi AlfieriHide

Working paper:

2023: “Circulations, decolonizations, unbalances. Anticolonial networks and links between the literary reviews Mensagem, Présence Africaine and Black Orpheus”. Academy reflects – WP Series–2023, University of Bayreuth

Peer-reviewed edited Journal Issues:

2023: Da Luz, H. Ferraz, E. Alfieri, N., Mbiavanga, F. Olegário, E., Mapera, Martins JC, Martins, Moisés de Lemos. “Cultura e Sociedade. Que literacias para uma justiça económica e social?” Njinja & Sepé: Revista Internacional de Culturas, Línguas Africanas e Brasileiras– v. 3 nº 2, jul-dez 2023, UNEB, São Francisco do Conde (Brazil), p- 34-48

Edited volumes:

2023: Fiorotti, Oliveira, Alfieri (org). Histórias e políticas em diferentes contextos africanos / Histories and politics in different African contexts. Rio de Janeiro, Autografia, 2023.

2022: Alfieri, Da Luz, (org), Literaturas e Culturas Caribenhas, Iberoamericanas e Africanas. Livro de resumos, CHAM, Livro de resumos. https://run.unl.pt/handle/10362/145681

 Peer-reviewed Journal articles:

2024: “Escrita imigrante e diaspórica nos circuitos independentes: trânsitos de mulheres e descolonização de imaginários em Portugal” - Revista Científica da UEM, – Special Issue, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (Mozambique), 2023.

2023: “Mensagem, Présence Africaine, Black Orpheus: African epistemes and the renovation of the literary environment (1960s)”, História da Historiografia, UNIRIO, Vol 16, nº 41, Jan- Abr 2023, Hansen, Da Glória Oliveira (org) - Corpos, tempos e lugares das historiografias, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (Brazil).

2023: Da Luz, H. Ferraz, E. Alfieri, N., Mbiavanga, F. Olegário, E., Mapera, Martins JC, Martins, Moisés de Lemos. “Apresentação do dossier. Cultura e Sociedade. Que literacias para uma justiça económica e social?” Njinja & Sepé: Revista Internacional de Culturas, Línguas Africanas e Brasileiras– v. 3 nº 2, jul-dez 2023, UNEB, São Francisco do Conde (Brazil), p- 34-48         

2023: “Debates literários no jornal A voz de Moçambique entre 1961 e 1964: literatura, censura, racismo”. Njinja & Sepé: Revista Internacional de Culturas, Línguas Africanas e Brasileiras– v. 3 nº 2, jul-dez 2023, UNEB, São Francisco do Conde (Brazil), p- 34-48          

2022: “Publicações Imbondeiro: como a editora circulou e foi encerrada pela PIDE. Entrevista a Leonel Cosme.” ABEÁfrica: Revista da Associação Brasileira de Estudos Africanos – v. 7 nº 7, 2022, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), p. 159-70         

Peer-reviewed Book chapters:

2022: “Red lines in Çanakkale”. Resta, Giuseppe (org). The City and the Mith. 110-114. Casa Editrice Libria, Melfi, 2022.    

Magazine articles:

2022: “Resistências Atlânticas, libertações e escrita. Repensando o género”. Gerador, 25/11/2022 (Lisbon, Portugal) 


2023: “Ratos, Ruínas e Afrofuturismos em Kwashala Blues”. Preface to: Cacinda, Jessemunde. Kwashala Blues. Maputo: Ethale Publishing, 2023.

Dr. Thokozani MhlambiHide
  • Mhlambi, Thokozani N & Hanson, Michael H (2022). Tuning Systems and European Colonialism in Africa. Pyschology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts.
Prof. Stephen BrownHide

Journal article:

  • Brown, Stephen. “When development cooperation principles clash: National ownership and LGBTQI+ inclusion in hostile environments”. Revise and resubmit.


  • Brown, Stephen. “Visibility or Impact? International Efforts to Defend LGBTQI+ Rights in Africa”. Journal of Human Rights Practice, vol. 15, no. 2 (2023), pp. 506-522.
  • Brown, Stephen and Morgane Rosier. “COVID-19 vaccine apartheid and the failure of global cooperation”. British Journal of Politics and International Relations, vol. 25, no. 3 (2023), pp. 535-554.
  • Brown, Stephen. “Mining self-interest? Canadian foreign aid and the extractive sector in Mongolia”. Canadian Journal of Development Studies, vol. 44, no. 4 (2023), pp. 645-664.
  • Brown, Stephen. “Global frictions: Aid suspension, donor–recipient relations and the 2018 anti-LGBT+ crackdown in Tanzania”. Under review.


  • Brown, Stephen. “International Development Cooperation and LGBTQ+ Rights in Africa”. Blog post, EADI Debating Development Research Blog, May 9, 2023 • Reposted on the blog of the Centre for International Policy Studies, University of Ottawa, May 9, 2023 • Published in French as « Coopération internationale et droits des personnes LGBTQ+ en Afrique », Blogue Un seul monde, Institut d'études internationales de Montréal, Université du Québec à Montréal, May 29, 2023 • Published in Portuguese as “Cooperação Internacional para o Desenvolvimento e Direitos LGBTQ+ em África”, Oficina Global blog, June 14, 2023.
  • Brown, Stephen. “Foreign aid in 2022: More spending, but not much to celebrate”. Blog post, McLeod Group, April 17, 2023.
  • Brown, Stephen. “Promises made, promised broken: Foreign aid and Budget 2023”. Blog post, McLeod Group, March 29, 2023.
  • Brown, Stephen. “Canada and Mongolia – The Enhanced Development Partnership that Never Was”. Blog post, Mongolia Focus, March 21, 2023 • Reposted on the blog of the Centre for International Policy Studies, University of Ottawa, March 30, 2023.
  • Brown, Stephen and Gloria Novovic “The World According to Chrystia Freeland”. Blog post, McLeod Group, October 18, 2022 • Reposted on the blog of the Centre for International Policy Studies, University of Ottawa, October 20, 2022.

Fellows 2021/22

Dr. Endurence DissakeHide
  • Dissake, Endurence. (2022). Introducing Technology in Education during the Time of Pandemic: The Case of the University of Bamenda. 10.56059/pcf10.9834.
Dr. Isao MurahashiHide
  • Isao Murahashi (2022). Refugee Mobility and Uncertain Lives, ASC-TUFS Working Papers, 2022, Volume 2, Pages 83-102.
Dr. Jonas do NascimentoHide
  • do Nascimento, Jonas. (2023). The Art of “Re-Existence”: Decolonizing History Through Decolonized Memories. 10.1007/978-3-662-66222-9_1.
  • do Nascimento, Jonas. (2022). Descolonizando a Mente e o Olhar: "Xala" e a Impotência do Estado Pós-colonial / Decolonizing the Mind and the Gaze:“Xala”and the Impotence of the Postcolonial State. ODEERE. 7. 163-182. 10.22481/odeere.v7i1.10260.
  • do Nascimento, Jonas. (2022). Fotografia, Memória e História: comentário acerca do (in)imaginável das imagens / Photography, Memory and History: commentary on the (un)imaginable of images. Temática. 18. 35-45. 10.22478/ufpb.1807-8931.2022v18n4.62635.
  • do Nascimento, Jonas. (2022). Bodies in Motion: Rethinking Spaces and Borders Sociologically. Open Journal of Social Sciences. 10. 424-441. 10.4236/jss.2022.102030.
  • do Nascimento, Jonas. (2022). An Atlantic Adventure: Brazilian Film Series in Perspective.
  • do Nascimento, Jonas. (2022). Promessas e Desafios da Migração: Reimaginando Espaços e Fronteiras a partir do Cinema Africano Contemporâneo / Promises and Challenges of Migration: Reimagining Spaces and Borders from Contemporary African Cinema. 22533/at.ed.257222101.
Dr. Sharon OmotosoHide
  • Omotoso, Sharon. (2023). Media Transnationalism and the Politics of 'Feminised Corruption' academy reflects.
Dr. Sybille NyeckHide
  • Nyeck, S.N. (2023). Book: African (a) Queer Presence


Dr. Viviane de FreitasHide
  • Martins, Waleska & Martins, Sérgio & de Freitas, Viviane. (2023). A autoria feminina nos programas de pós-graduação: velhas fronteiras e novos trânsitos. FronteiraZ. Revista do Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Literatura e Crítica Literária. 46-63.
  • Attie, Juliana & de Freitas, Viviane. (2021). “Temps Perdi”: territórios sobrepostos, histórias entrelaçadas. Antares: letras e humanidades. 13. 132-149.
  • De Freitas, Viviane.; Cunha, Rubens. (2021) “Eu não serei eu, eu serei nós”: a comunidade imaginada de Jacinta Passos. ITINERARIOS (UNESP. ARARAQUARA). , v.52, p.115 - 132.
  • De Freitas, V.; ATTIE, J. P. (2023). O tempo-espaço como escritura In: Literatura, Decolonialidade e Trânsitos: Guiana Francesa e Suriname.1 ed.Rio Branco: NEPAN Editora, p. 123-144.
Prof. Henriette GunkelHide
Prof. Jorge Cardoso FilhoHide
  • Jorge Cardoso Filho, Daniela Abreu Matos (2023), Imagens do Atlântico Sul e do Índico: experiências estéticas nas diásporas oceânicas Images of the South Atlantic and the Indian Ocean: aesthetic experience in oceanic diasporas. AÇÃO MIDIÁTICA, n. 26, jul./dez. 2023 Curitiba. PPGCOM - UFPR, ISSN 2238 - 0701
Prof. Susanne LachenichtHide
  • Lachenicht, Susanne (2022). Future Africa?! Timescapes and the Flattening of Time in the Modern Era. University of Bayreuth African Studies Working Papers 31, Academy Reflects 7.
Prof. Susanne MohrHide
  • Mohr, Susanne (2022) Investigating English in multilingual contexts online: Identity construction in geotagged Instagram data. Frontiers in Communication 6: 778050. doi: 10.3389/fcomm.2021.778050.

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