The Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence’s team consists of scholars working in various disciplines within the context of the African continent and its diaspora – the main objective is to reconfigure African Studies.
The roles and functions of people and organisatorial elements within the Cluster are as follows:
The Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence consists of Five Cluster Centres located at the following universities in Germany: The University of Bayreuth (Bareuth, Germany) and on the African contintent (ACCs): Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso) the Moi University (Eldoret, Kenya), University of Lagos (Lagos, Nigeria), and Rhodes University (Makhanda, South Africa).
The Head Office is responsible for the organizational management of all Cluster tasks.
The organigram on the left gives an overview over the Cluster's organs and key roles. (Click on the image for a bigger version.)