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Cluster of Excellence EXC 2052 - "Africa Multiple: reconfiguring African Studies"

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Knowledge Lab/ Working formats

Located at the centre of its research activities, the Knowledge Lab interlinks the Africa Multiple Cluster’s three main research structures: the African Cluster Centres, the Bayreuth Academy, and the Research Sections. It offers a variety of meeting formats—from the ad hoc to the regular and formal—for cluster members and guests to exchange ideas and methods and to engage in debate and systematic reflection. Directed by the Vice Dean of Research, it generates a thriving intellectual and interdisciplinary research environment that also includes non-academics, such as artists and activists, and stimulates transdisciplinary synergies and research. The Knowledge Lab indeed is crucial in connecting the cluster’s theoretical, epistemological, and methodological issues. Accordingly, it is subdivided into three interlinked spaces for debate and exchange: The Theory Forum, the Reflexive African Studies Forum, and the Methodology Forum.

To find more information, please click here.

Semester Programme

The programme of the summer semester 2022 is dedicated to the annual theme of Medialities. Guest lectures and reading seminars will clarify how Medialities can be a relevant heuristic angle for research in the cluster. Our ACC partners also contribute events to the annual theme. ICDL Lectures and two doctoral colloquia of BIGSAS are further integral parts of the programme. The guest lecture series of the Chair of Epistemologies of the Global South give it a special gloss.

Registration, programme & documents can be found here.

Annual Themes

Each academic years is dedicated to a thematic focus. At the beginning, the cluster focused on the core concept of relationality. Since then, the programme of each year has been dedicated to one of the heuristic angles (modalities, medialities, spatialities, temporalities). Internal contributions, guest lectures and Fellow projects relate to this annual theme. The thematic work culminates and concludes with the cluster's annual conference in July.


 A registration and enrolment (both with BT-identification and password) might be necessary. Please contact us to obtain the enrolment key.

Webmaster: Dr. Doris Löhr

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