Important Dates
Anthropology Lecture Series: "Sourds Durs – Negotiating Deaf Difference and Similitude in Benin" by Carsten Mildner
2022-01-25 18:30
S 57, RW I, Bayreuth University

- When/Wann? Every Tuesday at 6.30 p.m. / Jeden Dienstag um 18.30 Uhr
- Where/Wo? S 57 RW I
- Organisation: Erdmute Alber
Please follow us on our website, e-learning or the ASP-KUWI mailing list for further information. Events in S57 can be subject to changes due to the development of the pandemic. / Bitte schauen Sie auf unsere Website, e-learning oder in den ASP-KUWI-Verteiler für weitere Informationen und eventuelle Änderungen, die sich aus der Pandemie-Situation ergeben.
To access the full programme in one PDF file, please click here.