Selection Process for the Junior Research Groups

- As part of the selection process for the Junior Research Group leaders, the Africa Multiple Cluster has invited six candidates to campus, who will give lectures on October 13-14, 2020. The venue is H 24 in the RW Building. Seating is limited; virtual attendance will be possible.
- If you would like to attend in person, please contact:
- For a timetable of the lectures, please click here.
Find more information about the events via these links:
- "Sovereign Clicks: African Trans Refugees, Migrating Mediascapes, and Digital Diasporic Voices" by Dr. B Camminga
- "Post-truth Politics in Africa: Conspiracy Theories and Conflict" by Dr. Joschka Philipps
- "Sexualities, Political Orders and Revolutions in Africa: Into the Heart of Tunisia, Ethiopia & Sudan" by Dr. Serawit Debele
- "Landscaping Practices and their Narratives: Meaning Making in the Public Space" by Dr. Andrea Hollington
- "African Knowledges and the History Publication since the 1970s" by Dr. Cassandra Mark-Thiesen
- "Infrastructures of Migrant Mobilities in West Africa" by Dr. Michael Stasik